NEP Portal

National Education Policy

The importance of education in Indian society is evident from the mandates stated in the Constitution of India.

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The State of Gujarat has seen tremendous growth on the plurality of strong entrepreneurial spirit and world class education and vocational training.

NEP 2020: Salient Features

The National Education Policy 2020 envisions an education system rooted in Indian ethos that contributes directly to transforming India, that is Bharat, sustainably into an equitable and vibrant knowledge society, by providing high-quality education to all, thereby making India a global knowledge superpower.


The policy envisages that the curriculum and pedagogy of our institutions must develop among the students a deep sense of respect towards the Fundamental Duties and Constitutional values, bonding with one's country, and aconscious awareness of one's roles and responsibilities in a changing world.


The vision of the policy is to instill among the learners a deeprooted pride in being Indian, not only in thought, but also in spirit, intellect, and deeds, as well as to develop knowledge, skills, values, and dispositions that support responsible commitment to human rights, sustainable development and living, and global well-being, thereby creating a truly global citizen.

The overall objective of NEP 2020 is the establishment of Quality Universities and Colleges: A New and Forwardlooking Vision for India's Higher Education System.

Institutional Restructuring and Consolidation

Towards a More Holistic and Multidisciplinary Education

Optimal Learning Environments and Support for Students

Motivated, Energized and Capable Faculty

Equity and Inclusion in Higher Education

Teacher Education

Re-imagining Vocational Education

Catalyzing Quality Academic Research in all Fields through a New National Research Foundation

Transforming the Regulatory System of Higher Education

Effective Governance

The implementation of NEP 2020 would entail some challenges, which the state government and other stakeholders would need to overcome collaboratively.

Student Counseling

According to the NEP 2020, students willing to complete their graduation have to study for four years while they can complete their diploma degree in two years. This might encourage students to leave the degree course midway. However, this may be overcome through effective communication and counseling to students on relative importance of diploma and degree programs.

For Standalone Colleges

One of the major challenges in the implementation of NEP 2020 would be with regards to de-affiliation of standalone colleges. Many of the colleges have been able to admit students because they were affiliated to well-known government universities.

Important Document

NEP Policy (Eng)
NEP Policy (Hindi)
NEP Roadmap

Outcomes and Impact

Following are some of the benefits that the implementation of the New Education Policy would offer to India in general and the state of Gujarat in particular:

  • Increasing Employability
  • Vocational Training to Nurture Creativity
  • Holistic Education
  • Expanding Education
  • Gains for the Corporate Sector
  • Realization of Sustainable Development Goals


Gujarat has already embarked on the journey of realizing the objectives of NEP 2020 with major initiatives in the education space. This section presents a comprehensive implementation roadmap formulated by the Education Department to achieve the NEP goals in a time frame of ten years in consultation with the stakeholders.

High Priority Preparatory Steps

High priority steps are defined below:

  • Preparation of baseline data on current HEI's in the state for potential transition to MUs, ACs or institutes in the cluster. Aspiring MUs to develop plans for augmenting their student strength to 3,000 and more
  • Capacity building in developing Institutional Development Plans (IDPs) by HEI's
  • Each institution should develop its own Institutional Development Plan (IDP) based on their strengths, weaknesses, and aspirations. Each institution will make a strategic IDP based on its mandate, existing position (SWOT), well defined short term (1-3 years)/ medium term (4-6 years) and long term (7-10 Years) objectives with action plan
  • Establishment of an online 'Gujarat Universities Network for Institutional Association' (GUNI) for cluster creation, resources & best practices sharing, collaborative research projects, coordination, and mentor- mentee handholding among institutes

  • Institute-level readiness assessment to offer additional disciplines, manage increased student strength, constitute Board of Governance (BOG), joint clusters among others
  • 4-year multidisciplinary undergraduate programme to be introduced/ restructured with multiple entry and exit options in all universities
  • Government of Gujarat to initiate the process for identification, selection and classification of existing universities/academic institutions into Research-intensive University or Teaching-intensive Universities
  • Handholding of institutes towards gaining NAAC accreditation

  • Institute-level readiness assessment to admit international and national students and to make financial investments to build a more equitable platform. A single website/ platform 'Gujarat Universities Network for Institutional Association' (GUNI) to be developed for showcasing capabilities of all universities/ HEI's of Gujarat and their achievements to the global community.

  • Analysis of faculty development requirements and programmes
  • Institute leadership development program, leadership for academicians' programmes and succession planning programmes at institute leadership and academic leadership levels
  • Faculty performance management system

  • Institute level baseline data for SEDG students and GER target setting at state/ district and institute level
  • Review of gender parity in institutions; formulating strategy to improve it as needed
  • Making education more accessible and inclusive by bridging the digital divide and through other tech interventions like online courses

  • Institute-level readiness assessment to offer B.Ed. program and for re-orientation of PhD programs to include courses in teaching/ education/ pedagogy/ writing with teaching experience

  • Institute level readiness assessment to offer vocational education
  • Skill gap analysis to identify need for vocational skills at regional/ local level

  • Universities to have a uniform and digitally enabled system of administrative and academic governance in the form of Board of Governors (BOG)
  • Communication and capacity building in constituting BoGs by HEI's and monitoring progress at HEI's
  • Preparation of guidelines to promote uniform governance across HEI's

Implementation in Phases

The overall implementation plan is organized around three phases: short term(1-3 years), medium term(4-6 years) and long term(7-10 years) spread over a period of 10 years.

Initiatives - Short Term Initiatives - Medium Term Initiatives - Long Term
  • Research-intensive University or Teaching-intensive University
  • Institutional Development Plan (IDP)
  • Integration of Vocational & Academic Education
  • Improving Research & Innovation
  • Promotion of Indian Knowledge Systems
  • Internationalization
  • Academic Bank of Credit
  • Blended Learning mode with Seamless 'Ed-tech' Integration
  • Multiple Entry and Exit System
  • Multidisciplinary programs in HEI's & Credit based courses
  • Making academic resources available through common facilities and collaboration
  • Student Assistance and Support
  • Multidisciplinary Education & Research Universities (MERUs), Multidisciplinary Universities
  • Enhancement in GER
  • Accreditation and Graded Autonomy
  • Examination Reforms
  • Excellence in faculty recruitment, promotion and capacity building
  • Autonomous Degree-granting College (AC)
  • De-affiliation of Colleges
  • Amendment to University Act on Governance

Detailed Implementation Roadmap

Goals are defined below with KPI and Initiatives.

Initiatives -
Short Term
Initiatives -
Medium Term
Initiatives -
Long Term
Number of MERUs created State Government to create norms and guidelines for universities/ HEI's to evolve into MERUs and Multidisciplinary universities as per UGC norms New courses to be added gradually in the existing interdisciplinary units Establishment of new departments by universities or revamping of existing departments so that they can offer multidisciplinary education and vocational education
Number of Multidisciplinary Universities Created Identification of at least two universities/HEI's in each geographical region for transforming into a MERU State Government to create Mentoring framework for mentoring by MERUs to Multidisciplinary Universities and other HEI's in their transformation efforts Enhance physical infrastructure, digital infrastructure and faculty teams to be able to meet requirements of the MERUs/ Multidisciplinary universities
- State Government to provide financial and other institutional support to identified universities/ HEI's Participating universities/ HEI's in the mentoring framework to dedicate resources/ teams for coordination as mentors/ mentees Continuous monitoring by the State Government of the MERUs/Multidisciplinary universities to ensure that they continue to maintain the MERUs/Multidisciplinary University norms

Initiatives -
Short Term
Initiatives -
Medium Term
Initiatives -
Long Term
Annual Overall GER State Government to create norms and guidelines for universities/ HEI's to evolve into MERUs and Multidisciplinary universities as per UGC norms State to create centralized repository of open access e-resources and incentivize HEI's to get accredited for online/ ODL programmes Creating enabling mechanism including hostels. Transport support etc. for enhancing access to students especially in backward regions
GER Increments by Gender and Regions Identification of at least two universities/HEI's in each geographical region for transforming into a MERUState Government to provide financial and other institutional support to identified universities/ HEI's HEI's to get ODL course accredited, to create extension centres and examination framework and to offer these courses State Government to create a mechanism for providing GER data as and when required for better monitoring and decision making
- Handholding support to the universities/ HEI's to transform into MERUs/ Multidisciplinary Universities Build awareness about higher education and the enabling/ supporting initiatives for students among SEDGs including SC/STs, women, rural areas State Government to identification districts and regions that have fewer HEI's and create enabling policies for setting up of the same

KPIs Initiatives - Short Term Initiatives - Medium Term
Notification of RI/ TI University Norms and Excellence standards Building awareness among universities about the concept of Research-Intensive (RI) or Teaching-intensive (TI) Universities and implications of being either for universities Annual classification of universities into Research-intensive University or Teaching-intensive University
Percentage of Universities Classified as RI/Tis Notification of parameters for identification of universities as Research-intensive (RI) or Teaching-intensive (TI) Universities as per UGC guidelines Provision of support including financial support to universities to become a RI or TI universities

KPIs Initiatives - Medium Term Initiatives - Long Term
Percentage of Colleges/ standalone institutions which are reconstituted as Autonomous degree-Granting Colleges (ACs) State government to lay down guidelines for Colleges/ standalone institutions to reconstitute themselves as Autonomous degree awarding Colleges (ACs) State Government to create a monitoring mechanism for colleges/ standalone institutions and their transitions into ACs
Percentage Enrolment change among colleges/ standalone institutions post reconstitution as ACs State Government to assist Colleges/ standalone institutions in their gradual and phased transition into ACs through training of Board of Governors, Principals and HODs; through financial assistance; assistance on branding and attracting students, etc State Government to provide special assistance to colleges/ standalone institutions in tribal/ backward/ rural areas to enable them to develop into ACs

KPIs Initiatives - Medium Term Initiatives - Long Term
Percentage of affiliated colleges de-affiliated Government to lay down mechanism and support schemes (for affiliating universities and affiliated colleges) for college de-affiliation Government to support clustering of existing Unitary Universities/Colleges/ Standalone Institutions into Multidisciplinary Institutional Clusters through a collaborative process of resource sharing and Governance through IACs
Percentage Enrolment change among colleges post de-affiliation State government to lay down guidelines for de-affiliated colleges and standalone colleges to form academic clusters through Institutional Academic Consortia (IACs) De-affiliated colleges and standalone colleges to implement the government guidelines and leverage government support in identifying clusters they could be part of
Number of IACs created Universities to stop any new affiliation for colleges Government to support affiliating universities as their affiliated colleges are de-affiliated

Proposed Phased and Gradual Stages in Implementation of the Policy

As has been mentioned earlier, the universities and colleges will evolve into HEI's envisaged under NEP 2020 in a gradual manner.

The anticipated change in status of the current colleges and universities to the ones envisaged in NEP 2020 may happen in stages.

The following table presents an estimate of likely scenario by 2035:

Present Scenario Likely Scenario
Present Type of HEI in
Type of HEI 2025 2030 2035
1. State universities (16)

2. Private universities (52)

3. Self-financed and standalone
institutions (2,179)
MERUs with
constituent colleges
6-8 8-10 10-12
MUs (State Govt MUs
and Private
MUs including
new universities)
30-40 40-50 50-60
Autonomous degree
awarding Colleges (ACs)
75-100 300-500 500-1200
HEI clusters with
colleges (with 5-15
colleges each)
25-50 50-100 100-200

Detailed Plan for Select Thematic Areas

The NEP implementation has several thematic areas, two of the most prominent ones are

Implementation Actions Responsibility Resources Required KPI
Analysis of current HEI's for their potential for transformation and development of roadmaps and IDPs and Planning for transformation HEI's, GoG Guidance and Technical assistance Transformation strategy and IDP approved by the BOG
Implementation of the Plan HEI's, GoG, Affiliating University if any Additional resources, faculty members, learning and physical infrastructure, curriculum and content resources Achieving of financing, enrolment, multi discipline, content and knowledge resources, infrastructure/ technology upgradation parameters
Approval as a transformed institution HEI's Quality assurance, application, monitoring and evaluation support Accreditation for appropriate level

Implementation Actions Responsibility Resources Required KPI
Creation of state level norms for CBCS/ MEES in alignment with the national norms GoG Technical support for research and stakeholder consultation Norms for CBCS and MEES
Allocation of credits to modules and realignment of courses to make them Credit-based as per the norms and restructuring of Courses to create certificate, diploma, degree programs HEI's Technical support for course, curriculum & Content development, teacher training, marketing/ admissions/ documentation changes Courses based on CBCS with MEES

Role of Department

For the National Education Policy 2020 to be implemented successfully, central government agencies, the state governments and HEI's will need to play significant roles. Besides, among the HEI's, the affiliating universities would need to support and handhold affiliated colleges.

Large Multidisciplinary Universities

Set up Academic Internal Audit Team and cross-functional Institutional level Committee for different aspects of NEP Implementation

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Increasing Gross Enrolment Ratio

Explore capacity addition to enhance enrolment and disciplines/ areas in select fields

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Accreditation, Governance & Regulation

Constitute Board of Governor (BOG) and leadership succession plans and identify participants for the same

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Indian Knowledge System

Create guidelines, approaches, and resources for enhancing focus on Indian Knowledge System (IKS)

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Global Outreach

Update websites to appeal to international students; update admission details in advance

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Institutional Framework

Constitute area wise implementation committee of experts in consultation with stakeholder agencies

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Frequently Asked Questions

To promote enrolment in higher education and to make it more accessible, affordable and equitable, Government of Gujarat launched Mukhyamantri Yuva Swavalamban Yojana (MYSY) in 2015 to provide financial assistance to needy and meritorious students from all communities. Over 2.75 lakh students have benefited from this scheme till date.

91 University and 2,951 Institutions in 33 districts. There are 53,744 faculty members and 15,27,435 Students.

The gross enrolment ratio increased to 22.3 in 2020-21 from 20 in 2014-15.

MERUs stand for "Multidisciplinary Education and Research Universities". MERUs aim is to attain the highest global standards in quality education. MERUs will also help set the highest standards for multidisciplinary education across India.

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Directorate of Technical Education, Gandhinagar - 382010




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